





Bikefest.US provides information about bikefests.

A bikefest is a type of motorcycle rally which is usually open to the public, typically an all ages motorcycle event, and has a bike show and live entertainment. Some charge an admission fee. The largest bikefest events are Daytona Biketoberfest, Atlantic Beach Bikefest, Carlisle Summer Bikefest, Leesburg Bikefest, Bainbridge Bikefest, Bent Fork Bikefest, and Las Vegas Bikefest. The motorcycle event organizer of a bikefest is often a motorcycle dealer, or a dealer association.

The Bike Show at a Bikefest often attracts celebrity bike builders for a custom bike-buildoff, and prizes for the winner can be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Often, the builders will trailer their motorcycles to the Bike Show, so bikers and motorcycle event organizers have created what is called a Ride In Bike Show in which entrants have to ride the motorcycle to the Bikefest. Some motorcycle builders will trailer their motorcycle and unload it just to join the Ride In Bike Show competitions. True bikers who rode hundreds of miles on their old shovelhead or panhead love to laugh at them. Bikers invent their own amusement like this, like kicking over or trashing a crotch rocket; particularly the kind of motorcycle that sounds like a mosquitoe on steroids, and we have a variety of other fun biker games. We don’t trash many Jap bikes lately. I suppose we’re maturing as a subculture - yes, Bikers are a subculture with our own way of life.


Live Entertainment is often a big draw for a bikefest. Bikefest organizers will usually hire several unknown but fairly popular biker bands who are hoping to become famous, but the big money is spent on one, two, or three bands who are already extremely famous.

Motorcycle vendors are merchants who follow motorcycle rallies around the country using a major motorcycle events schedule such as can be found at, and other sites. One of the most popular internet sites for bikers is which has a full motorcycle events list, major motorcycle events schedule, and information about motorcycle clubs, bike news, biker rights issues and organizations.


Bikefests are very popular events to go to, and can bring in millions of dollars for cities looking to increase tourism and possibly raise funds, often for charitable purposes, The number of visitors might be in the hundreds or thousands, while the more popular bikefests attract tens of thousands, and even hundreds of thousands. This is certainly good for the hotel and travel industry and restaurants in those cities which open the doors to welcome bikers to a bikefest!

Some cities do not like motorcyclists even though they do bring in lots of money. What the cities do not realize is that the the negative stigma about bikers as being bad boys, and bad girls, is due to a very small percentage of outlaw bikers in 1% motorcycle clubs, sometimes referred to as biker gangs. However, the type of person who is likely to enjoy a bikefest - the most tame of all motorcycle rallies - is your neighbor, the mayor, and usually you can even bring the whole family for a wholesome afternoon or an entire weekend of great weekend of entertainment! These events are usually just too boring and tame for the true motorcycle bad boys. However, not all bikefests are tame, and some are strictly for adults only. An example of a bikefest which more closely resembles a motorycle rally is the Carlisle Summer Bikefest which takes places in Carlisle PA, and ranks right up there as a full-fledged motorcycle rally which often features topless women, adult entertainment, great music, and camping.

If a bikefest becomes popular enough, it could turn into a motorcycle rally, or even a BIKE WEEK.



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